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I got to deal with Nelson while serving in the wider youth council when Ruth Onkangi was the youth leader. I got to know he has humour and easy going. Apparently we also went to the same University although we never met in University. Your wife Ruth shares her two names with my wife.

I wish you all the best in your marriage.

James Barake

User Submitted Post

I am proud to have met and interacted with both Nelson and Ruth. I knew you Ruth way much earlier before I met you. This is because Nelson was my colleague and had a Password series starting with Sarange. I wanted to Know why Sarange, and Yes, this was a second-year student in UON pursuing Actuarial Science. Nelson confirmed the guesswork. Kipenzi cha roho. I know the good job you’ve done to Nelson and that confirms you are a great woman. Nelson I know of how much you love Ruth, I have tasted of your generosity(Dept Nyam Choma dates, chapati kwa ofisi) and indeed Ruth is blessed to have you. All I can wish you is a blessed Marriage.


User Submitted Post

I joined Parklands church in 2013. I can’t recollect when I met Ruth or Nelson. Please help me out. Old school manenos. What I remember about my interaction with Ruth is that we used to sing in the church choir, we still do albeit occasionally. Sarange as I love to call her was 1GB for sure. A beautiful melodious alto. I always ensured I stood next to Ruth. It was always a pleasure. Ruth is soft spoken, kind hearted, generous. A loveable spirit… I could go on & on.

Nelson on the other hand. We haven’t interacted much but wow what a humorous soul, creative & artistic. There is never a dull moment when he is around. Wishing you both God’s blessings as you plan your big day. May everything go as planned and may your plans come to fruition as per you desires. May your union be a blessing to all those around you is my prayer of faith in Jesus name amen.

Lucy Ndiao

User Submitted Post

I just thank God for bringing the two of you together indeed you are a perfect combination created by the lord himself. I knew Nelson together with Ruth when I joined Pyc . Mostly I really loved the way Ruth welcomed me and made feel loved . I’ve always grown to love Ruth as really nice friend coz she’s really caring and welcoming. As the two of you embark this journey I just wanna tell Nelson to really take of Ruth sana she’s a woman so many men may desire to have and for Ruth to take care of Nelson . Am not married not reached that stage but that’s my advice to you . I wanna wish you the best in you marriage and May God shower you , you kids and you generation with love and Blessings. ❤️All the best Love you guys 🥰

Beverlyne Awuor

User Submitted Post

I met you guys for the first time at a former favorite restaurant for Parklanders along Moi Avenue. I was having a date with one of your friends who’s also settling down. How time flies! I wish you all the best in your journey Wa Maria and Ruth. A quick one, what will be your firstborn’s name? 😉🤣

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