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I got to deal with Nelson while serving in the wider youth council when Ruth Onkangi was the youth leader. I got to know he has humour and easy going. Apparently we also went to the same University although we never met in University. Your wife Ruth shares her two...

When I Knew She Was The One

When I Knew She Was The One Arguably my best memories of Ruth happened when we weren’t together. When I lived in Thika, there’s this time the water company cut off supplies for the best part of one week. I survived on my 200 litre plastic drum. Matters came to a head...

What Makes Ruth Tick

What Makes Ruth Tick She’s Got The Healing Touch Sometime in early 2023, we visited Oasis SDA Church on their Music Sabbath. It was a hot January afternoon. The sun came down hard on the tent structure and given the place was packed to the rafters, I felt dizzy and...

Makeup Saves! When Ruth Went Full Jezebel

Makeup Saves! When Ruth Went Full Jezebel The worst thing you can do at the Registrar of Marriages office at Sheria House is to walk in alone. That place is the latter day Noah’s ark. They only let in animals in pairs. Woe unto you if you’re spotted “loitering with...

User Submitted Post

I am proud to have met and interacted with both Nelson and Ruth. I knew you Ruth way much earlier before I met you. This is because Nelson was my colleague and had a Password series starting with Sarange. I wanted to Know why Sarange, and Yes, this was a second-year...