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I got to deal with Nelson while serving in the wider youth council when Ruth Onkangi was the youth leader. I got to know he has humour and easy going. Apparently we also went to the same University although we never met in University. Your wife Ruth shares her two...

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I am proud to have met and interacted with both Nelson and Ruth. I knew you Ruth way much earlier before I met you. This is because Nelson was my colleague and had a Password series starting with Sarange. I wanted to Know why Sarange, and Yes, this was a second-year...

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I joined Parklands church in 2013. I can’t recollect when I met Ruth or Nelson. Please help me out. Old school manenos. What I remember about my interaction with Ruth is that we used to sing in the church choir, we still do albeit occasionally. Sarange as I love...

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I just thank God for bringing the two of you together indeed you are a perfect combination created by the lord himself. I knew Nelson together with Ruth when I joined Pyc . Mostly I really loved the way Ruth welcomed me and made feel loved . I’ve always grown to...

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I met you guys for the first time at a former favorite restaurant for Parklanders along Moi Avenue. I was having a date with one of your friends who’s also settling down. How time flies! I wish you all the best in your journey Wa Maria and Ruth. A quick one,...