I joined Parklands church in 2013. I can’t recollect when I met Ruth or Nelson. Please help me out. Old school manenos. What I remember about my interaction with Ruth is that we used to sing in the church choir, we still do albeit occasionally. Sarange as I love to call her was 1GB for sure. A beautiful melodious alto. I always ensured I stood next to Ruth. It was always a pleasure. Ruth is soft spoken, kind hearted, generous. A loveable spirit… I could go on & on.

Nelson on the other hand. We haven’t interacted much but wow what a humorous soul, creative & artistic. There is never a dull moment when he is around. Wishing you both God’s blessings as you plan your big day. May everything go as planned and may your plans come to fruition as per you desires. May your union be a blessing to all those around you is my prayer of faith in Jesus name amen.

Lucy Ndiao