Why Naishola Gardens?

If the first marriage happened in the Garden of Eden, Limuru’s Naishola Gardens is the closest to Eden we’ve got this neck of the woods. Naishola Gardens is as exclusive to weddings as marriage is as exclusive to one man and one woman.

Limuru is agricultural. The soils are red and fertile which means it’s Valentines Day all year long wherever you set your foot. You take your first breath in Limuru and you breathe in a mint of tea, coffee, sheep, donkeys, cattle and mboga za kienyeji kwa umbali. We chose Naishola Gardens because we desire an organic, agricultural marriage where we put down the seed, weed the garden, add fertilizer and with the help of heavenly showers of blessing, get to eat the fruit thereof.

Limuru is cold. The cold which made God have mercy on Adam as it is written, “The Lord God said, “it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” We chose Naishola Gardens to remind us of the cold that planted the mutual desire to be together always and the cold that exists without each other’s company.

Limuru is a place of coupling. Unlike Kericho where they only grow tea, unlike Mumias where they only grow sugar cane, Limuru is a blend of tea growing together with maize, vegetables with potatoes, sheep with donkeys etc etc. Limuru mirrors the heterosexual foundation of marriage where the man and woman both magnify their strengths while diminishing their weaknesses. We chose Naishola Gardens to remind us that marriage is honourable and as it is written, “the two shall become one.”

Limuru is scenic and romantic. It takes us back to Genesis as well as forward to the New Jerusalem in Revelation. The Good Book says there will be no marriage in heaven but as far as taking a broad sweep from Eden to Kingdom Come is concerned, few institutions will better marriage at showing us the goodness of God. Naishola Gardens with its manicured lawns, giant trees, rustic farmhouse, large tea plantation and a dam to boot is not only evidence of God’s goodness but also a picture of what we can achieve if we let Him work in us.

“ But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7